Harry Martin Heritage Arts Studio Classes

Singing Traditional Songs

The next singing workshops will be offered on March 10 and April 14, 2025

Singing Traditional Folk Songs with Aubrey Atwater (for all levels, all voices)

Aubrey AtwaterTwo more Singing Traditional Folk Songs workshops with instructor Aubrey Atwater will be offered on Mondays, March 10 and April 14, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. These workshops are designed for all levels of adults and teens. Minimum of 6 students needed to hold each workshop. Fee for each two-hour workshop is $30.00. Sign up for one workshop both. Prepayment necessary!

Folk songs leave no stones unturned when it comes to portraying the human experience. Aubrey will present and explore a broad spectrum of traditional Appalachian and Celtic folk songs with themes of work, the sea, humor, love, children’s songs, party songs, ballads, longing, nature, spiritual, and more. Sessions are part listening, part discussion, and part group singing. All are also welcome to share songs they know as well. Come sit “knee to knee” with Aubrey for a singing, historical, and cultural adventure!